Note: the P-51 Mustang included in Flight Simulator X: Acceleration is modeled as a heavily-modified version of North American's original WWII aircraft. It is designed primarily for racing and is fast, highly-maneuverable, and great fun to fly. At high realism settings, however, it is inherently less stable and more challenging to fly than a stock P-51. High realism settings also increase the possibility of engine damage when running at high power settings.
Many factors affect flight planning and aircraft operation, including aircraft weight, weather, and runway surface. The recommended flight parameters listed below are intended to give approximations for flights at maximum takeoff or landing weight on a day with International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) conditions.
Important: These instructions are intended for use with Flight Simulator only and are no substitute for using the actual aircraft manual for real-world flight. Note: As with all of the Flight Simulator aircraft, the V-speeds and checklists are located on the Kneeboard. To access the Kneeboard while flying, press SHIFT+F10, or on the Aircraft menu, click Kneeboard. Note: All speeds given in Flight Notes are indicated airspeeds. If you're using these speeds as reference, be sure that you select "Display Indicated Airspeed" in the Realism Settings dialog box. Speeds listed in the specifications table are shown as true airspeeds. |
By default, this aircraft has full fuel and payload. Depending on atmospheric conditions, altitude, and other factors, you will not get the same performance at gross weight that you would with a lighter load. |
Required Runway Length
Takeoff: 2,500 feet (762 meters)
Landing: 4,500 feet (1,371 meters)
The length required for both takeoff and landing is a result of a number of factors such as aircraft weight, altitude, headwind, use of flaps, and ambient temperature. The figures here are conservative and assume:
Weight: 9,300 pounds (4,218 kilograms)
Altitude: sea level
Wind: no headwind
Temperature: 15ºC
Runway: hard surface
Lower weights and temperatures result in better performance, as does having a headwind component. Higher altitudes and temperatures degrade performance.
Engine Startup
The engine is running by default when you begin a flight. If you shut the engine down, it is possible to initiate an auto-startup sequence by pressing CTRL+E on your keyboard. If you want to do the startup procedures manually, follow the checklist procedures on the Kneeboard.
The throttle on the P-51 controls engine power, from idle to takeoff power. The P-51 has an adjustable-pitch propeller.
Engine parameter | Range |
RPM (normal) | 600-3,000 (redline) / 3,450 Operational Limit |
RPM (boost) | 3,000-4,000 |
Manifold Pressure (normal) | 10-80 inches |
Manifold Pressure (boost) | 145-150 inches |
The normal power setting for taxiing is 1,000 rpm (press F2 on the keyboard, or drag the power levers). Forward visibility is limited so you need to make S-turns as you taxi. Use the rudder pedals to move the nose side-to-side as you move forward in order to see what is ahead of you.
On the P-51, available flap settings are from 0 degrees to 50 degrees. Flap limit speeds vary from 400 mph with 10 degrees, to 165 mph with 50 degrees.
Run through the Before Takeoff checklist. With the aircraft aligned with the runway centerline, lock the tailwheel (SHIFT+G) and then smoothly advance the throttle lever to 40 inches of manifold pressure and 3,000 RPM. Directional control is maintained by use of the rudder pedals (twist the joystick, use rudder pedals, or press 0 (left) or ENTER (right) on the numeric keypad).
In general, use the following reference speeds for takeoff:
Weight | Speed |
9,000 lb | 95 mph |
10,000 lb | 103 mph |
11,000 lb | 110 mph |
- At approximately 75 mph (65 knots, 121 km/h) indicated airspeed, the tail comes up.
- At approximately 95 mph (83 knots, 153 km/h), smoothly pull the stick back (use the joystick or yoke or press 2 on the numeric keypad) to raise the nose.
A good climb speed in the P-51 is 180 mph with a manifold pressure of 47 inches and the propeller at 2700 RPM
Racing Operations
Winning races is not about one single skill. Major factors in successful racing include judicious use of boost power and close management of engine cooling. Race speed is 460 mph (743 km/h) with 130 inches of manifold pressure and 3,450 RPM.
At the Reno, Nevada race course (5,100 feet/1,554 meters MSL) at full throttle and 3,000 RPM, you should see 70-80 inches of manifold pressure. As the propeller lever is moved forward, manifold pressure should increase about 10 inches for each increase of 100 RPM. At 3,700 RPM the engine should be running at 140-150 inches of manifold pressure.
Anti-detonation Injection
One of the most serious complications you may encounter when racing the P-51 is engine overheating. Overheating can have disastrous results, but the Flight Simulator P-51 has systems to manage engine cooling.
Uncontrolled detonation of the air-fuel mixture in one or more cylinders is a direct result of high induction temperatures, which the ADI system helps control. Detonation can damage pistons, rods, valves, and the crankshaft.
Detonation causes the engine to run rough and, if left unchecked for more than a few seconds, the pistons are likely to be damaged, causing an immediate reduction in engine power. The longer detonation continues, the more seriously the pistons are damaged and the the greater the power loss.
The Anti-detonation Injection (ADI) system sprays a water and alcohol mixture into the intake, downstream of the supercharger. As long as the ADI is on and there is ADI fluid available, induction temperature should remain within limits and detonation is deterred. However, if the manifold pressure is increased beyond 80 inches (ADI OFF) or 135 inches (ADI ON), the ADI may not be able to control induction temperatures.
Use ADI whenever you boost manifold pressure beyond 80 inches. Be aware of overall engine oil and coolant system temperatures. When running within engine limits (i.e. under RPM redline, assuming there is no coolant leak) the engine should remain within normal temperature limits.
Function | Key Command |
Anti-detonation Injection (ON/OFF) | SHIFT+X |
Cruise altitude is normally determined by wind, weather, and other factors. You might want to use these factors in your flight planning if you have created weather systems along your route.
Let's say you've filed a flight plan for 5,000 feet (1,524 meters). Approaching your cruising altitude, begin leveling off at about 50 feet (15 meters) below your target altitude.
A typical power setting in the P-51 is 2,300 RPM and 38 inches of manifold pressure. Cruise speed is about 265 mph.
Remember that true airspeed is actually higher than indicated airspeed in thin, cold air. Experiment with power settings to find the setting that maintains the cruise speed and fuel consumption you want at the altitude that you choose.
A good descent profile includes knowing where to start down from cruise altitude and planning ahead for the approach. Normal descent is done with cruise power. A good rule for determining when to start your descent is the 3-to-1 rule (three miles distance per thousand feet in altitude). Take your altitude in feet, drop the last three zeros, and multiply by 3.
For example, to descend from a cruise altitude of
5,000 feet (1,524 meters) to sea level:
5,000 minus the last three zeros is 5.
This means you should begin your descent 15 nautical miles from your destination, maintaining a speed of 300 mph or less (it won't indicate this high until you descend into denser air) and a descent rate of approximately 500 feet per minute. A good power setting for descent is 30 inches of manifold pressure and 2,100 RPM.
Approaches in the P-51 are basic. Enter downwind at 150 mph with 20 degrees of flaps (use the joystick throttle or press F2). Press G to lower the landing gear. As you turn onto final, reduce your speed to 120 mph and lower the flaps to full.
Landing a taildragger requires a different technique than does landing a tricycle-gear airplane. The P-51 can be landed using either a wheel landing or a three-point landing technique. Some pilots feel the three-point landing is easier if the wind conditions are favorable, and with high winds, strong gusts, or a crosswind, a wheel landing is often easier. However, and this is important, a three-point landing in the P-51 makes it nearly impossible to see over the long nose.
For a more thorough discussion of three-point vs. wheel landing, see Flying a Taildragger.
A key issue, however, is to keep the airplane aligned with the runway, in other words, to land straight. The center of gravity is behind the main wheels of a taildragger. If you're not straight when the wheels touch down the airplane's tail will try to swing around. Directional control is essential when maneuvering a taildragger on the ground so be prepared to work the rudders to stay straight.
When doing a wheel landing in the P-51 raise the nose slightly to flare and slow the descent rate. You want to touch down as lightly on the main gear as possible at around 90-95 mph. Once the P-51 mains are down, bring the power back to idle and apply a little nose-down or forward pressure on the elevator (push the joystick forward or press ARROW UP).
Don't pull the stick back to lower the tail or you'll find yourself in the air again. Don't be too quick to use the brakes either, or the airplane will pitch over onto its nose. Let the airplane slow and the tail will begin to drop. Then hold some back pressure on the controls (hold the joystick aft or press DOWN ARROW).
Apply the brakes (press the PERIOD key) to slow to taxi speed, exit the runway, and taxi to parking. Don't be discouraged if you bounce the P-51 when learning to land it. It takes a lot of practice to land it smoothly.