Flight Simulator Aviation Partners

Robinson® R44® Raven II

The R44 Raven II is the latest derivative of the very successful and proven R44 helicopter line. The Raven II is equipped with a fuel-injected, angle-valve, tuned-induction, IO-540 Lycoming engine which produces substantially more power and gives the Raven II greater altitude performance, increased speed, and more payload than its predecessors.

To assure a longer life and lower cost of maintenance, the engine is derated to 245 HP for 5 minutes, and 205 HP maximum continuous rating. Both main and tail rotors are fitted with noise attenuating blade tip caps that decrease flyover noise by 1dB. The main rotor blades also have more surface area for increased lifting capability at altitude than past R44 models.

Typical applications for the R44 include corporate and personal transportation, tours, charters, and aerial surveillance. For specific applications, the Raven II can be configured as an IFR Trainer, Newscopter, Police Helicopter, and float-equipped Clipper II.


Gross Weight 2,500 lb
Empty Weight Equipped (incl oil & avionics) 1,506 lb
Standard Fuel (30.6 gal) 184 lb
Auxiliary Fuel (18.3 gal) 110 lb
Passengers and Baggage w/standard fuel 810 lb
Passengers and Baggage w/auxiliary fuel 700 lb
Cruise Speed

 up to 135 mph (117 kts)

Maximum Range (no reserve)

approx 400 miles (348 nm)

Hover Ceiling IGE @ 2500 lb

8,950 feet

Hover Ceiling OGE @ 2300 lb

7,500 feet

Hover Ceiling OGE @ 2500 lb

4,500 feet

Rate-of-Climb @ 2500 lb & 6000 feet

over 1,000 fpm

Maximum Operating Altitude

14,000 feet

Robinson Helicopter Company
2901 Airport Drive - Torrance, CA 90505
Phone: 310-539-0508 - Fax: 310-539-5198