Private Pilot Certificate

The first step after completing your Student lessons is to earn your Flight Simulator Private Pilot certificate. The Flight Simulator Private Pilot training extends your foundation of fundamental piloting skills. You'll fly a Cessna 172 and learn basic flight maneuvers and radio navigation. Mastering these skills will help you progress more smoothly through the rest of your training.

Private Pilot

Lesson 1: Stalls

Flying an airplane slowly is required to land, so learning about stall—when a wing stops developing enough lift—is among the most important skills you'll need.

Lesson 2: Steep turns

Become proficient at steep turns—you'll learn to fly more precisely and to divide your attention between the instruments and the view outside; in this case, a view of the Olympic Mountains.

Lesson 3: VOR navigation

Learn about a basic form of radio navigation using a VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) at Paine Field (KPAE) in Everett, Washington. This radio navigation aid will help you find your way to many places in the world.

Lesson 4: The traffic pattern

Learn to fly a standard traffic pattern around Bremerton national airport.

Lesson 5: Air traffic control

Navigating your way through complex airspace and crowded skies requires talking to Air Traffic Control (ATC). This lesson will help you learn the Flight Simulator ATC system.

Solo flights

Practicing how to taxi, steep turns, and flying in the traffic pattern will go a long way to helping you convince the examiner that you deserve a Flight Simulator Private Pilot certificate.

Private Pilot checkride

Taking the big step from student pilot to Flight Simulator Private Pilot requires you to demonstrate all the skills needed to take off, climb, level off, turn, navigate, descend, and land safely. It's a lot to learn, but the rewards are worth it. It's time to put it all together for the examiner. Meet high standards, and you'll be awarded a Flight Simulator Private Pilot Certificate.