Talking to Other Players
Text and voice in Multiplayer
Pre-session Text Chat
In-session Text Chat
Voice Communication
Managing Contacts

Related Links
Sharing Aircraft in Multiplayer
Hosting a Multiplayer Session
Joining a Multiplayer Session
Troubleshooting Multiplayer

When you start a Multiplayer session, a chat window opens automatically so players can send and receive messages.

Pre-session Text Chat

Once you are signed in to Steam or a LAN connection in Multiplayer, you can start using text chat. Use chat to pass information between the host and players while setting up the session.

To display/hide the chat window

  • Click the Contacts bar in the lower left corner of the Flight Simulator screen.

To send a message to all players

  1. Click the chat tab .
  2. Type a message.
  3. Click Send.

To send a message to a single player

  1. Click the chat tab .
  2. Click a player's name in the Contacts pane.
  3. Type a message.
  4. Click Send.

In-session Text Chat

When you start a Multiplayer session, a chat window opens automatically so players can send and receive messages.

To display/hide the chat window

  • Press CTRL+SHIFT+] (right bracket).

To switch to the chat window

  • Press ENTER.

To send a message to all players

  1. Type a message.
  2. Click Send.

To send a message to a single player

  1. Click a player's name in the Session or Friends list.
  2. Type a message.
  3. Click Send.

Voice Communication in Multiplayer

Voice communication during a Multiplayer session frees you from having to type text messages to other players. It adds realism if you are using Multiplayer Air Traffic Control, especially if you use a Windows-compatible headset.

The Multiplayer host must enable voice communication options before starting a session. To learn more about setting host options for voice communication, see Host Options.

There are three voice communication options (broadband Internet connection required):

Option How it works
Always activated for all players All players in the session can hear all other players. Players must press and hold CAPS LOCK to talk.
Only activated using aircraft radios Players wishing to talk to each other must tune to the same radio frequency, then press and hold CAPS LOCK to talk. Press and hold SHIFT+CAPS LOCK to broadcast to all players, regardless of whether they're on the same radio frequency.
Enable shared voice communication
via aircraft intercom
Only available when two players are sharing an aircraft. With this option, players are not required to press a button to talk.

To use a headset in Multiplayer

  1. Be sure the headset is plugged into the correct port on your computer.
  2. Enable the voice communication host options.
  3. During the session, press and hold CAPS LOCK to talk to other pilots or air traffic control. Release CAPS LOCK to stop transmitting.

IMPORTANT: There are a couple of things to know if you're going to use a headset. For the most realism, you only want voice communication coming through the headset.

  • If your headset is your only audio output, all sounds will come through the headset, including engine noise, wheels on pavement, and even e-mail notifications if you have your e-mail client running.
  • You must have two or more audio devices (sound cards) in your computer to enable voice-only audio through your headset.

To enable voice-only audio on a headset
(Two sound cards required)

  1. On the main menu, click Settings, then click Sound.
  2. Under Windows sound devices, click Configure.
  3. In the Sound playback list, select a sound card to play all sounds other than voice.
  4. Click the Voice tab.
  5. In the Voice playback list, select a sound card to receive voice audio (must be different from the sound card chosen on the Audio tab).
  6. In the Voice recording list, select a sound card to transmit voice audio (must be different from the sound card chosen on the Audio tab).
  7. Click OK to close the Windows dialog box.
  8. Click OK to close the Flight Simulator Sound dialog box.

Managing Contacts

Steam only

You may want to add or block players from your Steam Friends list. When other players are in your Friends list, you can see when they are online and you can reserve slots for them in Multiplayer sessions that you host.

You can add players by going to the Steam Web site, or you can use the Contacts list on the Multiplayer screen in Flight Simulator.

To manage your contacts

  1. On the Multiplayer screen, sign in using Steam.
  2. In the Contacts list, right-click another player's name.
  3. On the right-click menu, click Get Player Info, Add to Friends List, or Add to Banned List.